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Double D Facing Each Other Rounded Edge
Besides being the name of her music label, what is "The Diamond Discovery?"  Simply put, it is the way Amy McAllister has chosen to live her life. She calls the path she took to become the diamond she is today, and the divine path she will be on forever, The Diamond Discovery.

Amy has always understood how important it is for her to shine her light in the dark and help those who are in need of healing. This is her highest calling and purpose.  She has believed this so passionately, that it became a mission of hers, years ago, to create music, programs and platforms that bring healing and inspire others to reconnect with their soul (the diamond within) and illuminate their essence by discovering and aligning with their own truth.  

Amy loves making a difference in the life of everyone she meets. She truly loves everyone and is extremely passionate about sharing the hidden gems she has discovered. She has answered the call of helping others reconnect with their higher self and The Divine to rediscover their highest purpose, claim their destiny and live the beautiful life their soul is meant to live.
Through her music, her mission, her biggest heart, and her sparkling personality, Amy continues to shine her own light, while helping others shine their brightest too.
Please subscribe below to Amy's mailing list so you won't miss important announcements about new music, seminars, retreats, her podcast, and the discovery of the special "diamonds" Amy finds on her life's journey of The Diamond Discovery.

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